
OneAmerica Votes Announces Second Round of 2021 Endorsements

This election season is underway and primary ballots are being sent out across the state. Are you ready to vote? Make sure you’re registered and learn what’s on your ballot this summer by visiting the Vote Washington Website and entering your name and birthday. Don’t know where the closest ballot drop box is? Find it here!

JOIN US: Women of Color Rise: It’s Our Time

Join us for a virtual event and fundraiser form women of color running for office in Washington State! Where: Virtual – Via Zoom and Facebook liveWhen: Thursday, July 22nd 7 PM-8 PM When we elect leaders from our community, we elect people who put US first.

OneAmerica Votes Announces First Round of 2021 Endorsements

We know that when we elect leaders from our community, we elect people who put US first. It’s our time, a time to take big steps towards childcare for all and a healthy recovery from COVID-19. It’s time to make our home a place with a thriving, inclusive democracy that welcomes immigrants and invests in communities.

Join us: National March to Victory, Relay Across America on March 17th, 2021

We are home and we are here to stay. It’s long past time for Congress to act and pass permanent protections for undocumented immigrants. We have endured years of injustice and the time is now to come together and fight for a just immigration system. Join us as we kick-off the National March to Victory, Relay Across America here in Washington State to fight for citizenship for all.

OneAmerica Votes Lifts a Rising Immigrant Electorate, Pointing the Way Towards a Just and Humane Future in DC and Washington State

OneAmerica Votes is reshaping our state’s representation, lifting endorsed candidates of color and allies to leadership. In 2020 OAV focused on endorsing and electing a diverse slate of candidates who have shown their commitment to expanding immigrant and refugee rights, legislating for an equitable state budget that fully funds prek-12 education.

CAPE Swoops in to Remind Candidates: Invest in Washington

With so much at stake in this year’s election, it’s important to not overlook the obvious: who we elect will be responsible for guiding our nation and our state out of our economic crisis. There are three critical data points to remember: We’re living through the deepest recession since the Second World War.

OneAmerica Votes Endorses Ballot Measures that will Ensure a More Equitable Washington State

At OneAmerica Votes we envision a Washington state where our leaders reflect our communities, where everyone can thrive, where we all have what we need to stay healthy and safe, and where our policies reflect the needs of the community. That is why we support the following ballot measures which we believe will further our vision of a more equitable Washington State.

OneAmerica Votes Announces 2020 Endorsements

Democracy is at its best when immigrants, refugees and people of color are engaged and represented by people that come from our communities and act in our interests. There is a lot at stake this election season. We must mobilize and vote to elect people like us, leaders of color and allies committed to co-governance, to serve at all levels of government.

OneAmerica Votes leaders mobilized and elected people like us.

Leading up to the election, OneAmerica Votes (OAV) mobilized our communities to elect leaders like us into office. Leaders we knew would stand up for our values and be a voice for immigrant and refugee rights in Washington State. 208 OAV volunteers knocked on 7,500 doors, made 3,381 calls, texted 51,700 people, and held 5 ballot parties.