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Build immigrant power with us.

When we invest in people in our community, we create powerful change for all. OneAmerica Votes volunteers get out the vote, register voters, advocate for powerful policies, and help elect powerful leaders.

View all of our current volunteering opportunities below.

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Special Volunteering Opportunity: Collect Signatures for Kent for Districts!

OneAmerica Votes has endorsed Kent for Districts which is seeking to change City of Kent’s at-large city council seats to district seats! When all voters are engaged and have an opportunity to have their voices heard – our local democracy is strongest. Join us to gather signatures to get this on the ballot for the February Special Election! We are at the Kent Farmers Market every Saturday until August 15th from 10AM-2PM. Sign up to volunteer by filling out our volunteer interest form and checking “Gather Signatures – Kent for Districts.”

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Sign up to volunteer with us!

Volunteer Interest Form

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Become A Leader

OneAmerica Votes immigrant and refugee leaders organize and advocate for policies that improve our lives, elect people like us into powerful positions and work together to create powerful change. Leaders will:

  • Build your leadership through training on issues, organizing skills and civic education.
  • Be a part of a growing, joyful and powerful community of immigrants like us.
  • Create powerful change, a more representative democracy and a just education and immigration system.
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Get out the Vote

One of the most powerful tools we have is our voice! Hit the streets and the phones with us to make sure immigrants are making their voices heard at the ballot box. What is unique about OneAmerica Votes is that we have deep conversations with immigrant, refugee, and young voters who are not traditionally reached by campaigns. Our work makes a difference, especially in races that are decided by fewer than 100 votes.

Throughout the year, we have various opportunities to help get out the immigrant vote through:

  • Canvassing – Knocking on doors in our communities and talking with our immigrant neighbors
  • Phone banking – Calling immigrant voters and seeing if they are ready to vote
  • Text banking – Texting immigrant voters about voting
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Register New American Voters

When immigrants and refugees vote, we show our power. Join us in registering community members to vote and working to engage our community in issues that matter most to them!

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