We know that when we elect leaders from our community, we elect people who put US first. It’s our time, a time to take big steps towards childcare for all and a healthy recovery from COVID-19. It’s time to make our home a place with a thriving, inclusive democracy that welcomes immigrants and invests in communities. To do that, we need a government that represents us and reflects our lived experiences.
For too long our elected officials have attempted to speak for us or put our needs, the needs of communities of color and immigrants, last. We need authentic representation, and allyship is not enough. Our childcare system has been left devastated by the pandemic at a time when it’s most needed, and while we saw major investments through the legislature this year, local government must continue to prioritize early education and a healthy COVID-19 recovery for all. We need to take more steps at home to make sure our state welcomes immigrants and invests in community supports, not systems that harm Black and brown bodies.
This year we have the opportunity to elect candidates who deeply understand our experience, because they share it. OneAmerica Votes is excited to announce our first round of 2021 Endorsements which include three powerful women of color candidates who are proven community leaders that are ready to lead with power and a progressive, pro-immigrant vision.
We can’t leave any power on the table this year – it’s time to vote, turn out our neighbors and our communities and lift women of color into local offices that will directly impact our lives. It’s our time, and when women of color win, we all win!
Read more about these candidates by visiting our 2021 Endorsements webpage.