The Muslim Committee endorses Senator Manka Dhingra for the 45th Legislative District

The Muslim Committee of the OneAmerica Votes Justice Fund proudly endorses Senator Manka Dhingra for re-election to the 45th Legislative District.

One year ago, Dhingra was running for election for the first time in the special election for Senate in the 45th Legislative District.  Her election last fall gave Democrats a majority in the State Senate, opening the door to a number of significant legislative breakthroughs, including the enactment of the Washington Voting Rights Act.  She has demonstrated that she is a skillful coalition-builder, a smart policy maker, and simply someone who cares.  She’s invested tremendous amounts of time getting to know and support constituents in her district, standing up for the most marginalized, and inspiring a generation of young people to get involved in their communities and government.

The Muslim Committee stands with Manka Dinghra. A State Senator since her election in November 2017, Manka is a respected prosecuting attorney, an award-winning parent leader, and powerful advocate for women and immigrant communities. As a member of the Sikh community in Washington State, Manka’s election immediately impacted the religious, gender and racial diversity of Washington’s legislature. On issues ranging from inclusion to the environment, Manka brings a creative, collaborative mind and a genuine grounding in the needs of the families and communities of east King County.

Vote for Manka Dhingra for Senate in the 45th Legislative District!